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April 10, 2008

Rolling Like a Pro

Olivia is going to hate me for this picture some day... ha ha... I just had to share!

Monday she was rolling all from her back to her belly... only to the left like a crazy person. She would get there and wouldn't know how to get back over. Monday Aaron cut wood all day and after Olivia and I got home we spent some time together... the weather was nice... and Olivia wore her first 12 month outfit.... the girls at daycare just ranted and raved over it. She has leggings on.... I love this outfit because it is brown and orange... something other than pink!!


Britni said...

Love the butt show,hehe!

Thats fun that Olivia is rolling all over the place now!I bet she loves being able to get where she want to go! :)

Christy and Chad said...

I love her rolls. You should see Lincoln he is full of them:)