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September 6, 2008

9 Month Check Up

Olivia had her 9 month appointment yesterday with Dr. McCollough... and I was surprised that there were NO shots! Thank God! I hate taking her for her shots by myself. Aaron is working days and we had this appt. originally scheduled for August 29, but they had to resschedule.

Here are her stas:

Weight: 27 lbs
Length: 29 1/2 inches
Head: 46 1/2 cm

The nurse immediately informs me that my daughter is "overweight"... I get a look on my face and wanto hurt her. She is only 9 months old and they are going to bring that up already. She shows me the chart and her head and length are great... just on target. Her weight has always been a littl off the chart, but now it is "OFF" the charts. The nurse then asks what I feed her, so I went through a typical day with her...
7:00 am - 8 oz bottle
9:30 am - 4 oz Cereal
12:30 pm - Lunch - 1 Gerber Jar of a Veggie & Fruit
3:00 pm - 8 oz bottle
6:00 pm - Supper - 1 Gerber jar of a Veggie & Fruit or Yo-Baby Yogurt
9:00 pm - 8 oz bottle

I also explained that it is very rare that Olivia will empty both jars... 90% of the time she leaves about 1/3 in the jar. She even made it sound like we feed her a lot. Who knows what the hell I am supposed to do?? Does anyone?

The Doctor came in, looked over everything and said she is "PERFECT".... he also said that after she starts walking she'll slim down and to do 2% milk instead of whole. Which I am okay with. That is what my mom did for us. I am currently mixing 4 oz of formula and 4 oz of whole milk with her bottles, once I finish this 1/2 gallon of whole milk I'll start buying 2%.

I love Olivia just the way she is and don't feel that she is "overweight". I hate that word... and she is just starting out and she doesn't have her genes on her side... look at Aaron and I... we are skinny minnies!!


Britni said...

How rude of that nurse. She is a beautiful healthy baby and she just started crawling. I think babies are usually at a chubbier stage at 9 months. It is very true once they start walking they slim down a little. I know Ember did.

What you are feeding her sounds just right. Are you going to cut out formula completely now or in a few months?

I have Ava on Whole milk still and she loooves it. She drinks a lot of it too. I am working on it with Ember though.(since she just weaned she preffers juice to cows milk)

Allison said...

They told me Tristan was underweight and he eats double what Olivia does. Every baby is different and those charts are just a guide. Trust your Mom instincts and don't let those doctors make you feel bad. You're doing a great job and she's eating just fine :)