Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

September 2, 2008

So Big!!

We have been doing "How big is Olivia?"... and when Olivia raises her arms we say "So Big!". She loves it! It takes a few times and I've been tickling her arm pits and sometimes she keeps her arms up there waiting on me to tickle them... it is cute!

Tonight we tried some green beans... she wanted nothing to do with them. I think we are going to purchase a food processor.... it might help save some money on the jar foods. Sometimes Olivia eats so well and other nights I feel that I am throwing away food that she just won't eat. I try the fridge and then it either gets forgotten about or gets heated up and then she still doesn't eat it. She has done really well with her cereal in the morning and she loves the Yo-Baby yogurts. I am

hoping when we start some semi-solid food that she'll do better. She only takes 4 bottles a day and we started mixing 4 oz of whole milk with 4 oz of formula. She has taken those pretty well too. Formula is about $15.00 a can and maybe this will make it last a little longer too. I wish I could have breast fed.... I could still be pumping. Next time hopefully!

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