Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

September 27, 2008

Our New Toy!

Olivia is now walking with a walking toy. It is so funny to see her do this, her thighs are so chunky and she makes big steps when she does it too. I tried to get pictures of her doing it but as soon as she sees me get the camera she gets down and crawls to me. I will post pics of her doing it soon.

Rosanne bought her this from Once Upon a Child for Olivia's birthday! We are having her party on November 8th and I will have invites out this week. I made them myself and saved myself a lot of money... I wanted bee invites and they all cost a lot of money online so I found I liked and kinda made it myself.

Olivia pulls herself up with no problem now. Can stand while holding on with one hand, and for a a second or two can stand with out holding on. She also walks with the toy and then hands off to the end table or coffee table with no problem. Yesterday I put goldfish around the coffee table and she did a wonderful job walking around the table to get her snack. She is doing great and I think will be walking in a month to 6 weeks.

1 comment:

Britni said...

I think she'll be an early walker too! I remember this fun stage from my girls. It's a very exciting time :) I'll tell you it was just as fun the second time around! Good job Olivia! Those walkers really help them learn even faster.