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September 9, 2008

Tuesday Morning Update

Well yesterday I picked up Olivia at 2 pm from daycare. She had only ate her cereal at 9:30 am. She wanted no lunch nor any bottles.

I brought her home and she ate some of a graham cracker but really wasn't interested. We played, at least tried.... she really only wanted to sit on my lap and look at her books. She wouldn't laugh or show any excitement. I felt so bad for her. She is drooling really bad and anything she can get she is chewing on.... her sippy cup doesn't get drank out of... she chews on the nipple because it is hard plastic.

Another long long night of trying to keep her sleeping in her crib. She would sleep for 3 hours at atime, wake up and I would get up and rock her. She'd fall back asleep.... well come 4:30 am I had Aaron get up, and he gives in.... he brings her to bed to me???!!! She slept iwth us for 2 hours. I have a stiff neck and sore elbow because of it.

THis morning she was in a good mood... was talking and crawling all over. Maybe we are getting close to the end of this tooth or teeth that are coming in!!

Our roof is almost done and it looks great!! I'll post pics tonight.

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