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September 6, 2008

Ahhhhh.... It's Green!!

We got home after the laundromat yesterday... which was a huge mistake.... and Olivia had been fighting a runny nose now for almost 2 whole days. So I fed her supper and to the tub we went. About that time I noticed her snot had turned "green". Yuck! I thought that a vapor bath would help her feel better. It was her 2nd bath for the day already and I just know that a warm bath always makes me feel better!
We went to the laundromat so I could wash our big comforters for winter... and that was a huge mistake. I don't think Olivia was feeling good to begin with and then to bring her some place that was new. She cried and cried unless I held her... and I had to flip our blankets around every so often in their dryers so they would dry evenly and to put her in her walker that I hauled in there... she woudl cry and cry... and so that would make the snot flow even more. Her nose was pink when we left. I think I tried to do too much in one day and with her not at 100%... it was just a bad idea.

1 comment:

Britni said...

Poor thing. I hope her cold goes away soon. It must be hard keeping her away from germs with her going to a day care. At least this time it was nothing too big. I bet the bath helped a lot.