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September 21, 2008

Playing Catch Up!

It has been a while since I've posted... I've had a busy week.

Just to bring you up to speed... pictures to follow!

Friday I had lunch with an old co-worker and it was so nice to catch up. Also when I picked up Olivia from daycare they had informed me that a kid tried to bite her at one time and then they caught her trying to bite back later that day.... all I can think of is Markie!! I hope this doesn't become a problem!

Friday night Olivia and I headed up to the football game with Papa, Ryley & Hunter. It was homecoming and we played against Pandora Gilboa. Aaron came up after work and made good timing! Olivia did a wonderful job at the game... never fussed or anything. We did a few laps when I thought she was getting antsy in her stroller.... and all was well!! We got to see cousing Dana, Danielle, Todd, Ashley & Giavonne. It is always nice to be able to see the ppl you love!! And we also got a surprise visit from Aunt Maranda... she is the cheerleading coach for PG and we barely get to see eachother... it is hard once you have a kid to be able to travel to other towns, pick up the phone and so on.... I can't use our cordless... Olivia throws a fit because she wants it. We even got her a play phone and that didn't work.

Saturday at 1 pm Leipsic had their Fall Festival Parade and Olivia and I ventured up to my parents house on Main and then Jessica & Paige joined along with Ashley & Gia! It was a very nice parade.

Today has been kinda blah.... just relaxing after visiting with Nana & Papa and a short walk. We've had a nice weekend.... being able to visit with friends and family.

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