Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

September 7, 2008


We have been up and down all night... Olivia spiked a fever of 103.0 at faround 12:30 am. I called her Dr. who was on call and he instructed me on what to give her and if it wasn't better by morning to take her to the emergency room. We work her up at 4:30, checked her again, 103.0 still..... then at 6:30 am she was down to 101.0!

I'll try and keep you all posted... but it sounds like if not better by noon I am taking her to Bluffton.... and the thing that sucks is that we are going to have 8-10 men working on our roof today!

She is so weak and just super cuddly... she is sitting my lap now drinking some juice! Her head is like a ball of fire!

1 comment:

Britni said...

Poor little thing!!! Ava has had a fever that high when she was 8 months old. She just laid in my bed with me all day & wouldn't move. The fever is killing whatever virus , so that's one good thing. It's good that she is staying hydrated too. I'll be praying for her to get better very soon.