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September 10, 2008

Doctor Visit

Well here is another update on Miss Olivia Rose. I went to pick up Olivia from Daycare yesterday around 3 pm. I had Putnam County's Annual Meeting last night and ended up working a 12 hour day. But anyways, I got to the nursery room and saw 2 of the teachers counting spots on Olivia's arm. My jaw dropped and I walked in.... and asked what they were counting. Well here she has a rash all over her body! They thought it was from her 103. fever she had on Sunday morning.
So I called the doctor for the 2nd time that day and they suggested that I bring her in today (Wednesday) at 10:00 am.
I had called them earlier that day because Olivia was only taking about 18 oz of formula for the entire day, no jar food, no juice, no puffs, NOTHING! They said that as long as she wets her diaper and continues to have flexibility in her skin then we should be okay.
So I took her to the doctor today at 10:00 am and we saw one of Dr. McCullough's partners and he was super nice !! Olivia just laid there the entire time as he examined her. He looked all her spots, looked down her throat, in her ears and listened to her lungs and heart too. He said that she has sores all over her throat, and that is probably why she hasn't been eating. I instantly felt terrible for Olivia... here I thought it was teeth coming in. He then said that was viral and contagious at one time and now isn't. But her rash is a viral rash due to the infection she had in her throat. He siad that he believes the worst of it is over because the sores looked "scabbed" over and she has begun to eat. She has lost half a pound since Friday.
He also said that she is starting to get an ear infection too!!!! So he gave me a rx for it and sent us on our way. Said that her rash should be gone in 2-3 days and hopefully we can start this medicine before the worst of the ear infection comes.
So, Miss Olivia is still recovering slowly but is getting back to the little girl we all know and love... she is smiling more and giggling a lot! When I got to daycare to pick her up for her appt she was playing with another girl... it was so darn cute!
Keep her in your prayers and now that she is feeling better I will try and get some pics of her smiling :)


Britni said...

Poor Olivia!!! you can disregard my last comment on the rash post, I should have read this first!!!I hope she is feeling better now!

Allison said...

How scary! Poor baby :( Did he say what it was? You might want to tell her daycare since she was contagious at some point.

I hated having Noah in daycare because it seemed like he never stopped being sick. Once they hit 2yrs old their little bodies have finally built up a great tolerance and they don't get sick as often as they used to. It might seem like a long way away, but it will be here really quickly! I'm glad she's feeling better :)