Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

August 30, 2008

Crawling like a Champ!

Here is Olivia Wednesday night... I love these pjs on her and she tries and tries to pull off the feet. I just smile when she tries. But on our hardwood floors the poor thing will crawl a little and then her hands and knees slowly start to go out on her. Then she wiggles back up on all 4 and crawls a little and then it happens again. This winter will be interesting because almost all her pjs are fleece matieral or just this soft material that is super slippery.

She has been pulling herself up to a stand for almost 2 days now. Doing really good at it and testing out her bounderies. I am afraid to think that it might not be too long. I think I'll like the walking better than crawling... they are into everything and I feel that my house if so dirty when I pick her up.... I clean... I really do!!!!!

Uncle Chuck turns 24!

(The date stamper is wrong on my camera)

Friday night our family got together for Travis' 24th Birthday! We got him 2 t-shirts, one is a Foo Fighter, and the other is a Van Halen T-shirt. He loved them! Mom and Dad got him a gift card to American Eagles and a few other under garments....socks and so on! The guys drank Cpt Morgan and either Dr. Pepper or Mt Dew.... yuck! But they enjoyed good conversation and Olivia loved the Golf Cart rides. The second one finally put her down for a nap. She was tired. She only took a hour nap in the morning and didn't the rest of the day. I think there was too much excitement. Travis brought his good friend Nick and we enjoyed hamburger and hot dogs and then some delicious Cold Stone Creamery Cake...YUMMY!!

Tonight he is probably getting drunk and enjoying his birthday! I wish Ryley and Hunter could have been there. I miss them so much!

I did get to see them after they first day of school and they sounded like they had a good day. They are growing up so fast! I think tomorrow I will try and visit them for a little bit!

Anyways... Travis is turning 24 and I just can't believe it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHUCK!!

Aunt Elan & Olivia

Here is Olivia with her Aunt Elan! Go Bucks!

To Columbus and Now We Are Back!

This is the outline of our day today... it's been a long day, and only 7:14 pm!

6:20 am - I crawl out of bed knowing my alarm is going off in 20 minutes and I was thinking of everything I had to get around for the day!

7:27 am - Olivia and Aaron crawl out of bed too.... I did get her to sleep one hour extra by putting her in bed with Aaron!!

8:15 am - Out the door we go... the Garmin says that we would arrive at 10:45 am.

10:45 am - The Garmin now says 11:00 am... we did pretty good on time I think and that thing is a life saver... tells us when to turn right, left and so on...AWESOME!

11:00 am - Arrive at Britni's house and it looks so nice in person. They've really done a lot of work and should be very proud. Britni and Ember greet us at the door and Logan too... ha ha! Olivia is instantly interested in "where are we"... "who are you". Britni asked to hold her and Olivia had no problem with it... but she is also a pro now too!! The girls were so darn cute and I just loved seeing them in person. I was so excited this whole past week to finally get to see them and meet Britni. We've been emailing and commenting on eachother's blogs for almost 2 years!

12:00 pm - Pictures are done and I sit in front of there computer screen picking out my favorites...HELLO....they are all Great! Britni just did an awesome job I wish I coudl post them and so everyone! But we did a set of Olivia naked with just her hooded towel, the second was in an OSU outfit and she actually stood beside a chest for a couple, and then we did a plaid short outfit and Britni put some flowers around her....MY FAVORITE!!

12:15 pm - Out the door we go. I really wanted to stay longer but didn't want to intrude and we were supposed to meet our friends for the OSU game. I told them we probably wouldn't be leaving the photographers until 1 pm.... but we were early. We said our good byes and Britni said she'd let me know next time they come up to visit with Grandma and Grandpa VH. I told her that "I woud love that!!". I really would love to get the girls together.

12:45 pm - We arrive at "Roosters" and Sean and Elan were already there with great seats and it was so nice to see them together. Elan usually comes home alone and I hope that Olivia was able to rub off some baby potion on them... ha ha!! Elan would be an ABSOLUTE awesome mom! She has such a caring attitude and naturally nuturing sense about her. I wish they lived closer!

2:45 pm - We are on the road back to L-town! We get home around 5:30 pm and it was so nice to get home. Olivia ate really good, Sweet Potatoes, Apples/Blueberrys and some of her Yo-Baby yogurt! She got a bath and played and now she is sleeping. I am not surprised, she slept very little on the way down and back, and it was a little bit of a long ride for her. But I think it was so worth it. We got some FANTASTIC pictures and got to see friends we haven't seen in forever!

7:27 pm - Writing on my blog and thinking of making me something to eat... feelign a little rumble in my tummy!

All in all, we had a great day and I have 2 more days off! Aaron works tomorrow through Tuesday days...

Next weekend we start our roof!

August 27, 2008

6:48 pm - Cat Nap

I just laid Olivia down for a cat nap. We've been playing since we got home.
After daycare I put her in her high chair and start out with some puffs... while I get her supper around. Tonight she had left over Mixed Vegetables and Green Beans. She ate them rather well... she doesn't seem to care for the Green Beans too well. After she ate that I started with one of her Yo-Baby yogurts. She loves those things and I try to spread them out so she doesn't ever get tired of them. Tonight she had Strawberry & Banana! She ate every last bite tonight! So I am not surprised that she is a little tired... not very long naps today at daycare and we've been going non-stop since 5:00 pm.

I'll let her nap for maybe a 1/2 hour while I fold laundry and empty the dishwasher. Tonight Aaron has his last fire class....YA!!!!! And then fire meeting afterwards.... somedays I feel that he is never here because of work or fire stuff.... and the nights he is home, he is mowing, studying for fire stuff or too tired to do anything. Thats why I am hoping with him now on days for 8 weeks and no more fire classes we can be together more and he can re-connect with Olivia. Now that she is crawling I feel that he can take the gloves off and play with her a little more than before. At least I hope!

Friday we are doing cake and icecream at the campgrounds for my brother's birthday and Saturday we head south to get Olivia's pictures done at Bright Eyes Digital Photography... I can't wait to see what Britni can do!

When we leave there we are meeting up with Sean and Elan to watch the Buckeye's game.... we haven't hung out them in forever.

Sunday Aaron has to work... a co-worker needed him to swap and so they swapped a Sunday for a Sunday... which is okay with me. Olivia and I might venture to the mall or something to look around.

Well off to my "mommy duties".

August 26, 2008

Paige & Olivia Part 2

It was nice walking with Paige & Jess last night. We talk about all kinds of stuff... and it is nice to be able to talk to another mom that is able to relate to some of the things that I am going through. Our husbands both work odd hours and it does leave us alone a lot. I'll be sad when the nice weather goes away and we are stuck indoors and no more walking. We'll have to do play dates indoors while Jess and I enjoy warm coffee and good conversation and company! Olivia is in an 18 month "jumping beans" onzie that she has worn quite a bit, she is really all out of 12 month clothes to wear. Either I can't get them over her thighs or they are too hard to get over her head and get her arms into. I think the jumping beans brand runs small to begin with, but Paige is wearing a 9 month onzie. She is so petite it is so cute!! I think the girls were only a pound different when born... Paige was 8 lbs and Olivia 9lb... but they have changed so much... Jess had picture of Paige throughout their house and it is amazing to see how much she has changed. I know I was watching videos on my Facebook page and was sad when I saw older ones of Olivia when she was so tiny and wobbly. She is growing and learning something new everyday. I feel like one day she is rolling, the next sitting up, then up on all four, then crawling... now she is pulling herself up. The first year goes by way too fast and they transition into new milestones so fast and quickly it is amazing! I just love being a mom and can't imagine my life without Olivia!!

Another walk last night with Paige & Jessica and we all enjoyed ourselves. Afterwards Jess invited us in and the girls played on the new fluffy carpet! You can see in the one picture, Olivia takes Paige's pacifier and Paige tries to get away and Olivia almost hangs her.

August 23, 2008

Sizzlin' Up At Nana & Papa's

Mom & Dad came home from the campgrounds a night early, we are going to church together tomorrow and going to do a lot of praying!! But I called mom just as they were leaving the camp ground and asked if we could come over and play... tee hee!! We came on over, Nana scooped up some ice cream for us adults and Olivia munched on her puffs. Olivia did have a little nibble of mommy's ice cream... she likes it! After that Nana came into the living room with one of her dollar deals from Wal-Mart... a cute little stove top with a skillet, pot, and tea pot. They make a boiling noise, sizzling noise, or whistle for the tea pot. I'd put her paci in the pot and she'd find it instantly... and I also put her puffs in there too.

She is now very interested in plugs, wires, and anything that is at her level... "baby proofing 101" woudl be helpful... ha ah!!

We had a nice visit and now home and soon to bed!

All greased up...

Today it was so hot out that I was tired of being cooped up in side and thought, "lets go swimming!". So I greased Olivia up and outside we went. She loves the pool and I really enjoyed it too! We swam together for about a 1/2 hour to 45 minutes. It is 10:33 pm Saturday and Olivia just went down. Her schedule was really messed up today. She only took a 20 minute nap this morning, didn't eat her lunch until close to 2 pm and laid down from 4 pm to 6 pm. I tried cereal this morning too and she really didn't want much to do with it. I think she is getting more teeth... she is drooling like crazy, has a runny nose, and at times feels warm. I am constantly wiping her poor nose, giving her tylenol when she feels warm and just giving her all the TLC she needs to help her feel better.

August 22, 2008

Crawling 101

I can happly say that Olivia has now mastered the art of crawling. She is everywhere and follows Aaron or I to other rooms. If we are all in the living room and I need to go to the Kitchen really quick and on my way back she meets me 1/2 way! She gets so excited too. Right now it is 8:21 pm and she is sleeping... A little early but, I thought her forehead felt warm and she has had a runny nose... we might be getting more teeth. I gave her runny nose meds and some tylenol before she laid down.

Olivia has also mastered the art of throwing tantrums when she wants something. Especially when it comes to our cordless phone. Wow she really gets mad when we take it from her or dont' even let her hold it. She has already called 911 and hung up on ppl we've been talking to. I try to give her her play phone, but we all know that kids are some how smarter than that.. ha ha!

Today we got our house appraised and happily from what she could tell us we have really brought up the value of our house. We bought this house in 2003 and today we have raised the value by $40,000 +. We have put a lot of sweat, time, and money into this house. Whens he went through the house today and asked what we did in each room, I think we forgot how much we did to each room.

We are roofing our house on September 8th if anyone is interested in putting in a little sweat?? I will have all kinds of food prepared that week for all the helpers! Aaron is starting on a Monday when him and his team from Poet are off and they hope to be done by the 12th. They have that Monday and Tuesday off and then work Wednesday and Thursdsay days... I dont' think they'll have a problem at all!

August 20, 2008

Appreciated... THANKS!

Today I started at work around 8:45 am and one of my boss' arrived, smiling like always! Next thing I noticed is Darren coming out of her office with flowers for me... showing her appreciation for all that I've done.....WOW! I couldn't help but feel awesome! She gave me a big hug and then informed me that she was taking me to mexican for lunch... DOUBLE AWESOME!

I really love my job at the Farm Bureau and love the freedom I have to use my creative side with the computer and also love all that I am learning. I hope to be there a very very long time!

Thanks Darren and Hancock County for the flowers and lunch... it really means a lot!!

(these pics were taken with my cell phone)

Walks Into Your Life...

The first sentence is pretty powerful!!!

God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.

Father, God bless all my friends in whatever it is that You know they may be needing this day! And may their life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have a closer relationship with you.Amen.

August 18, 2008

Who Are You?

I'd love to know who is visiting our blog.

Let us know what you like best about keeping up to date on Olivia Rose!

Napping in New PJs

I just layed Olivia down for maybe a 1/2 hour nap... her first day to daycare after the weekend is always hard to keep her up late... she gets worn out playing with all the kids there. She is now crawling... she goes for a little bit and then gives up and sometimes cries for us to help her. I am trying to put her in tighter fitting outfits that allow her to crawl easier, rather than seperates that hang down and her knees can catch. Tonight after her bath I put her in these new PJs that Nana & Papa got her. They are so cute on her. They have feet, buttons to keep the top connected to the bottoms and then ruffles on the sleeves. She first tried to pull the feet off and then got tired of fighting with them... ha ha! But these are 18 month PJs and won't take long for her to grow out of. I don't know if this is a growth spurt or not but it seems that she went straight from 12 mos to 18 mos clothes in a week. She is growing so fast I sometimes just stare at her in her crib and try to take note of what she looks like, how she sleeps and wonder what she is dreaming of? Will she ever know how much I love her?? I think I know treat my mother 100 times better than before... I now understand the constant worry and love you have for your children!
I came home from work today and Aaron had the house picked up for me... YES!! I was so excited to see that he ran the sweeper and washed bottles. That is such a huge help for me! We have a lot going on right now at home with family stuff and he has been a great help for me. I know he is probably fed up with me crying all the time, but I know it won't be ending anytime soon, and I need him to be strong for me now more than ever! I love him so much and hate that he is at work tonight. Yesterday we had a great day, and wish we could do it all over again!

August 17, 2008

Mmm Puffs!

Saturday Olivia was enjoying some of her favorite Puffs... I love to watch her eat, and she does little thing where she scrunches up her nose and breaths really hard in and out of her nose.... we call it "snooter". She only does it briefly here... enjoy! I think it is cute!

Deshler Car Show

Here are some pics of the "Best of Show". We all know who should have won... Papa!!

9 Months Old

Today our, Miss Olivia Rose turned 9 months old. I just can't believe that she is now 9 Months old. Only 3 more months and she is going to be 1 year old... the time has flown by. Today we did went to a 45th wedding anniversary, a car show and swam for a while... trying to make today better than the past 2 days... our weekend started crappy but so far is ending nicely! My babygirl is getting so big! She goes for her 9 month check up on September 5th.

Little Boys At Heart...