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August 10, 2008

A Day With Mom!

Today I loaded up the car and up town we ventured! Around 11:30 am I got up town and started out on our walk. Olivia loves to ride in her stroller and I know I need the exercise! We walked all over and I try to stay to the parts of town with good sidewalks but since they did new sewar lines that is hard to find. On our walk we saw Uncle Chris on his mower and stopped and talked... he has lost nearly 70 lbs and looks so different! Really makes me think that I can do that too... just have to dedicate myself to it.

But then we walked through the Buckeye Park and I tried Olivia in the swings there. I wiped them down with baby wipes first and plopped her down in them! At first she grabbed on for dear life and she was kinda slid toward the front of the swing... so slid her legs back and she looked more comfortable.... she loved it! She would smile and make little noises as I pushed her. I can't wait until we get our swingset. Maybe one of these coming weekends that Aaron is off he can go get it! It is wooden and has the little hut on the top and swings, slides and rock wall type of thing. It is very nice. A co-worker of his bought a new house and the swing set was already there, and all their kids are grown and won't use it. We can have it for "free"... HOT DOG is what I think!

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