Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

August 23, 2008

Sizzlin' Up At Nana & Papa's

Mom & Dad came home from the campgrounds a night early, we are going to church together tomorrow and going to do a lot of praying!! But I called mom just as they were leaving the camp ground and asked if we could come over and play... tee hee!! We came on over, Nana scooped up some ice cream for us adults and Olivia munched on her puffs. Olivia did have a little nibble of mommy's ice cream... she likes it! After that Nana came into the living room with one of her dollar deals from Wal-Mart... a cute little stove top with a skillet, pot, and tea pot. They make a boiling noise, sizzling noise, or whistle for the tea pot. I'd put her paci in the pot and she'd find it instantly... and I also put her puffs in there too.

She is now very interested in plugs, wires, and anything that is at her level... "baby proofing 101" woudl be helpful... ha ah!!

We had a nice visit and now home and soon to bed!

1 comment:

Britni said...

I love Olivia's pj's! She is almost the same a size as Ember. 1/2 of Ember's pj's are 12-18 months and 1/2 are 18-24! I can't wait for them to meet they will love each other I am sure.