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August 7, 2008

Camp Fire at Our Place

Saturday night we did Brats and sweet corn on the grill, Jason and Heather came over and ate with us. Jason is home from Kuwait for 12 days. He and Heather are so cute together and we can't wait for their wedding in April. That night Heather asked if Olivia would be their flower girl!!!!! I am so excited and can't wait to see her in a beautiful princess dress and hope she does well walking down the aisle. She'll be 16 months old and full of spunk! Mitch and his fiance Kelly came over too along with Jeff and his girlfriend Amanda. They all drank, Heather, myself, Tom and Jason enjoyed a cup of Creme Brulee coffee probably around 10 pm. We are old I know. We all enjoyed the company and I got bit up terribly!! It comes iwth the summer I guess. Pheobe and Fisher were even worn out from all the company and excitement of people coming over. Too cute!!

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