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August 12, 2008

1st Night Away From Olivia Rose

Well I am home after a long 2 days away in Columbus. Ohio Farm Bureau had their Leadership Conference in Columbus and it was my first time attending. I really did learn a lot and acquired a lot of great ideas to present to my two boss'. This was also my first night away from Olivia. Monday my alarm went off at 5 am and Olivia decided to get up with me. She wasn't too fussy for getting up a lot earlier... she played on her blanket and I would sing to her or tell stories from the bathroom. The night before (Sunday) I was up until close to 10 pm finishing up my suitcase, and labeling, organizing and making it as easy as possible for Aaron. My stomach hurt when I got to Olivia's daycare at 6:30 am. My one boss Jennifer followed me in and was able to see where Olivia goes. I love that place and they do a TERRIFIC job! Off we went to Columbus after I kiss Olivia and pray that she doesn't cry when I leave... and she didn't. I think she was super tired.... she fell asleep on the way to Ottawa. We had conferences/classes from 9 am to 8 pm Monday night. I was able to call or text Aaron throughout the day to see how he and Olivia were doing. It was nice at the end of the night as I layed in my hotel room Aaron put me on speaker phone and we talked about things going on or our day and Olivia feel asleep in Aaron's arms on her own. She had to be super tired from being up at 5 am and Aaron did take her to Leipsic's football scrimage. I loved the idea that she was able to hear my voice and before she fell asleep I was able to hear her jibber jabber and sigh in exhaustion! Aaron even sent me a picture message of her in the tub... the message read "Hi Mom!". I absolutely loved it! Tuesday we had to be down stairs for breakfast at 7 am... and we were all so tired. The food was super fancy and the rooms were like an icebox! We were on the road home by 2 pm and I was to Olivia's daycare to pick her up by 4:45 pm and she was so exicted to see me! I love her face when I walk in the door. I know Aaron said that he wants to try and pick her up around 2pm and just spend those few hours with her... he thinks it helps. Because when I am home I am all she wants, and I do feel bad for Aaron, but with his work schedule right now, he is barely home! I am soo happy to be home now and missed Olivia SOO MUCH!! The remainder of the week is busy too, tomorrow Aaron has fire training again and work afterwards, I won't see him at all, Thursday is Hancock County's Annual Meeting in Findlay and I won't see Olivia at all that day and Friday Aaron and I are doing our first official date night. We were thinking of asking Grandma Rosie to watch Olivia for a couple hours while we get a bite to eat and maybe catch a movie. Aaron was thinking leave around 3:30 and be back by 7ish. Saturday is Aaron's work picnic and Sunday we have an Anniversary party. BUSY BUSY BUSY!! The little time we'll have home will be rush rush or busy getting ready for the next event! Just as long as we are together I will be happy! I love being married to Aaron and being a mother to Olivia... I AM BLESSED!

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