Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

August 27, 2008

6:48 pm - Cat Nap

I just laid Olivia down for a cat nap. We've been playing since we got home.
After daycare I put her in her high chair and start out with some puffs... while I get her supper around. Tonight she had left over Mixed Vegetables and Green Beans. She ate them rather well... she doesn't seem to care for the Green Beans too well. After she ate that I started with one of her Yo-Baby yogurts. She loves those things and I try to spread them out so she doesn't ever get tired of them. Tonight she had Strawberry & Banana! She ate every last bite tonight! So I am not surprised that she is a little tired... not very long naps today at daycare and we've been going non-stop since 5:00 pm.

I'll let her nap for maybe a 1/2 hour while I fold laundry and empty the dishwasher. Tonight Aaron has his last fire class....YA!!!!! And then fire meeting afterwards.... somedays I feel that he is never here because of work or fire stuff.... and the nights he is home, he is mowing, studying for fire stuff or too tired to do anything. Thats why I am hoping with him now on days for 8 weeks and no more fire classes we can be together more and he can re-connect with Olivia. Now that she is crawling I feel that he can take the gloves off and play with her a little more than before. At least I hope!

Friday we are doing cake and icecream at the campgrounds for my brother's birthday and Saturday we head south to get Olivia's pictures done at Bright Eyes Digital Photography... I can't wait to see what Britni can do!

When we leave there we are meeting up with Sean and Elan to watch the Buckeye's game.... we haven't hung out them in forever.

Sunday Aaron has to work... a co-worker needed him to swap and so they swapped a Sunday for a Sunday... which is okay with me. Olivia and I might venture to the mall or something to look around.

Well off to my "mommy duties".

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