Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

August 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Jenna!

After not seeing Jason's kids for nearly 8 months, we got to see them last night (Thursday). They have all grown and changed so much! Jacob is tall and has a very deep voice, Jenna is becoming a women, and Jadon is full of attitude and crazy ideas! Jenna turns 14 on Tuesday and Jason and Heather brought her a Ice Cream Cake from Stone Cold Creamery and it was SOOOO GOOD!! Ice Cream is a down fall of mine and I know I loved it! But Olivia took right to Jenna and loved all the attention, and Jadon had all kinds of stories to tell! Grandma Rosie had a great spread of food like always and Aaron BBQd on the grill. Jason, Heather, Jacob, Jenna and Jadon all went to Cedar Point today... they had perfect weather, not too cold and not too hot!! I hope they have fun, Jason flies back to Kuwait Sunday Monday night :(. It was so nice seeing him and Heather so much... I have a feeling that we'll be very close once htey get married!

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