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Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

August 30, 2008

Crawling like a Champ!

Here is Olivia Wednesday night... I love these pjs on her and she tries and tries to pull off the feet. I just smile when she tries. But on our hardwood floors the poor thing will crawl a little and then her hands and knees slowly start to go out on her. Then she wiggles back up on all 4 and crawls a little and then it happens again. This winter will be interesting because almost all her pjs are fleece matieral or just this soft material that is super slippery.

She has been pulling herself up to a stand for almost 2 days now. Doing really good at it and testing out her bounderies. I am afraid to think that it might not be too long. I think I'll like the walking better than crawling... they are into everything and I feel that my house if so dirty when I pick her up.... I clean... I really do!!!!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

They seem to find the spots you miss while cleaning! :) haha

She really is crawling really well! Walking is such a fun milestone! It's so fun to get some of those first wobbly steps on tape. I some videos as you know of both girls as they learned :)sniff sniff